Argo is a workbench for building and running text-analysis solutions. It facilitates the development of custom workflows from a selection of elementary analytics.

Argo’s graphical user interface is available entirely through a web browser, which eliminates the need to go through platform-dependent installation procedures.

Ever increasing library of components includes natural language processing and text mining analytics as well as user-interactive components.

The web interface allows the user to create complex processing workflows composed of processing components and multiple branching and merging points.

Workflow processing is carried out on remote servers even if users are not connected. Users can follow the progress and see the results at their convenience.

User-interactive components, such as Manual Annotation Editor, make the processing of workflows pause and wait for input from the user.

Argo is a multi-user system and supports the sharing of workflows and documents between users. Shared objects can then be modified by all the eligible users.

Argo is based on the Unstructured Information Management Architecture which is a standard that ensures interoperability of processing components.